May I encourage you to either take notes digitally or with your favorite journal pad & pen? You will want to write down these 3 key points. You want to allow the message to come to you and as it does, I have complete faith that you will be inspired. You will get recharged! And you will come up with even better ideas than the ones that I share here.
For all businesses, employee performance is the integral factor and perhaps the building block that leads to their success. Employee performance can be greatly improved with the right kind of leadership. Here are the 5 fundamentals essential for building performance.
Hello Marvelous people!
Many of you may have already read my 1st book, "Come Hell or High Water" (Life Lessons from Hurricane Katrina). In it I discussed the Five Impossible Laws and one of those laws touched on the fact that it is impossible to over-communicate. Let us delve into how overextending yourself can kill your work performance and ruin personal relationships. There are friends and neighbors and co-workers and loved ones right now that you know need to hear a message about them being overextended and they're not listening to you.
In business and in life, I have found that we go through three phases of attitude. The first is excitement. The second is frustration, and the third is recommitment. During and after Hurricane Katrina, all of New Orleans sank deeply into the frustration phase, myself included.
July 2024
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