Hello Marvelous Folks!
It is estimated that 61% of home-based businesses in America lack adequate business insurance. One reason small business owners forgo business insurance is because they may think that their in-home operations are already covered by a homeowner's or a renter's policy. But most home-businesses have little or no coverage from a homeowner's or renter’s policy. If you file a homeowner's (or renter's) claim for losses sustained by a previously undisclosed home-based business, your insurer may refuse to cover it or could cancel your policy.
As the spread and far-reaching impacts of Covid-19 dominate the world news, we have all been witnessing and experiencing the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and instability. Indeed, in a crisis, our mental state often seems only to exacerbate an already extremely challenging situation, becoming a major obstacle in itself. Why is this and how can we change it?
After a flood, before you start cleaning up, make sure to document all your structural and interior damage. Learn more at https://www.floodsmart.gov/flood/document-damage Once you file a claim, your flood insurance policy will help you recover.
Contact us today and we'll be happy to talk with you about flood damage, reporting and coverage. I wish you peace, love, and gumbo! Marvin LeBlanc, LUTCF, CNP 615 Central Ave, New Orleans, LA 70121 504.731.6767 [email protected] Manage Your Future Risk
If your home or business is damaged or destroyed by a flood, you will face major decisions about your property. Do you repair or rebuild? Do you relocate? The decisions you make now can help provide a safer, stronger property for you and your family. If you decide to repair or rebuild, here are some points to consider. ('Read More' to see the FEMA Fact Sheet) Who’s Knocking at Your Door?
After a flood disaster, expect multiple visitors who will want to help you recover. It’s common for multiple visitors to perform damage assessments on your home. No matter who’s knocking, always ask for identification and the purpose of the visit. Never give out personal information such as your Social Security or bank account number. Government officials will never ask for money and you should never pay for their service. |
July 2024
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